So, notice something different about my website? Yup, changed the color of the header and footer to a shade of green. Thought with effort being made to convert to H2, a color change is appropriate.. We are still working on getting resolution of all the technical issues for making the conversion. We only have one big issue to resolve, the is on board storage tanks. the H2 needs to be stored at 10,000 psi in order to get sufficient energy to make a run. While that pressure sounds like a bunch, it is normal for the industry. The small area we have for the tanks complicates the issue considerably but we are homing in on a couple of solutions. Hope to have a handle on it in the next couple of weeks. As you can imagine, there are a lot of issues, big and small necessary to accomplish the conversion, but we only have one left! Hope to have an update shortly and plans made for moving forward. Stay tuned.